Bauchi is our heritage, the pride of our ancestors, the dignity of our people and the identity of a multi-cultural cluster of millions. Our image to the world and the rest of Nigeria largely depends on what we are able to harness from our inherent potential, the best that we are able to project of our state.
As a people, we are not lacking in history, neither does any community or state tower above us in a comforting identity. We are a vastly endowed entity in terms of natural wealth and human resources.
We have led many eras of mass agronomy and livestock, with an abundant solid mineral wealth base and a remarkable knowledge base. Bauchi is a renowned heritage from pre-colonial Nigeria, through to British Nigeria; we are a renowned politically sagacious and decisive entity within Nigeria.
Indeed, the founders and custodians of our heritage envisaged a remarkable crystallization of our state into an enviable model of continental repute. The political leaderships of the past were to large extent commendable, establishing vehicles for progression into a vibrant state.
Today, however, Bauchi is under a leadership that has failed to identify the pivot points of our wheels of progress, neither has it been able to identify the needs of Bauchi as a state and its people as the custodians of the state. In our political decisiveness, we mandated this leadership upon ourselves in 2007, but it metamorphosed into a “hypocritical lordship” without our consent. It was a very sad story that the Talakawas fought for change and they earned a victory full of hope and zeal but, that change was snatched again over night and thrown to the dungeons of the brazenly vile characters that have no fear of Allah in their minds, for if they did, Bauchi will not be like this today. Trust was clearly abused and hope utterly dashed! It was truly nostalgic and quite unfortunate that, the mass and popular decision in 2007 which was premised largely upon deep emotions was taken for granted and thoroughly abused by the beneficiaries.
Consequently, our people have grown ever more disillusioned in the scheme of things. Rather than gathering positive venom to fight a dysfunctional system, we have resorted to either joining the bandwagon as a medium to quickly fill empty bellies or becoming indifferent to the whole charade at the detriment of our innocent infants, vibrant youth and sickly old. At the moment, the horrific maladministration by our present leadership has made governance of our state yearn for a holistic rescue mission. And, if we dare continue to remain in their hold, we are definitely headed for those dungeons and only Subahanahu wata'ala's rahama can save us; not even change anymore.
Yes; many might have lost hope and very many of us are still weary from the ever growing level of official neglect, corruption with utter impunity which has almost sent the state into bankruptcy and, to the even more scary national deterioration of our homeland security. However, we make bold to suggest that; that kind of resultant deterrence is not for the courageous people of these torrid times. It is, therefore, imperative on us to, yet again, come together to chart a course that will arrest the current scourge, emancipate the entire societal survival and advancement mechanisms, and promote the inherent ingenuity of our people. This we can!
In this regard and, like we have said it over time, we are still very conscious that; While we are charting practicable courses, they will continue to implore dubious punctures; while we are drawing practicable road maps, they will intensify theft patterns; while we dialogue with our people, they will stuff numerous moneybags; while we preach rancour free politics, they will scavenge for disoriented youth to recruit into thuggery; while we are pained by the apparent insensitivity, they lobby their way into the next available position of power. However, the difference between our thoughts and that of the status quo resides mainly in our acceptance of our people as the owners of our mandate, while theirs is of the people as tools of perpetual servitude. Accordingly, I and my supporters, indeed, including the many silent but genuinely concerned citizens of our dear state are resolutely poised to collectively come together to challenge the status-quo and, to at least, attempt to arrest the drift forthwith. This, we shall do Insha Allah!
Our aspiration is born and bred by the masses of my dear Bauchi state. You created it, sustained it, and have continued to patiently believe in it through the years and it is nothing but your sheer belief that has brought us here today. Personally, it is your belief that has defined me and made me what I am today and to you I am graciously thankful and indebted. I have suffered together with you, I have moaned and shared with you your pain and misery and I know what it feels to be in your shoes; believe you me, I have felt the sting in your shoes and our days as citizens of Bauchi state were never meant to be days of misery and destruction of what was built over the decades.
Ladies and gentlemen, you will recall that, in 2011, we were only forcefully prevented from withdrawing the mandate being currently abused by the status-quo. Given the obvious destruction of governance and its primary essence in Bauchi State, there is, more than ever before, that critical need for physical engineers to step in, clear the rot, redefine leadership and redirect our focus.
As a genuine and an unrelenting struggle, therefore, in 2015 we are deliberately offering ourselves to serve Bauchi State through a collective mandate of re-birth, resurgence and rejuvenation. We see the pursuit of this mandate as a potential “prison sentence”, one which is targeted at no material benefit, but one that is potentially historic in the journey towards reconnection with our enviable history.
Accordingly, flooded with humility, gingered by your undying support and dedication, inspired by your thirst for positive change; and indeed, change will come, I wholeheartedly reapply myself to the service of the good people of Bauchi State. More than anything, it is you that count and that unflinching energy, love, encouragement and an unparalleled support that you have shown me since 2011; 4 years now, is what feeds my veins and innermost heart that I cannot let you down. However, make no mistake that; this struggle will not be just mine, it is ours. The history that we want to make will be our collective history. We need and count on your individual and collective sacrifice in all its ramifications. Yours faithfully, Nuhu Gidado, has no other wealth or prowess aside the strength that I garner from your faith, belief and support to agree to be that vehicle that will finally wear 'true' democratic 'plate numbers' for us all to have that final journey to the life that your natural endowments have blessed you with. Let us remain standing and finish this quest that has been over 4 years in the making and is poised to strike that balance between our hopes and our realities.
Today, I offer myself to you as a reminder that, I was always yours and that; you and I remain that team that is undying with the hope for a brighter future for us and the generations to come for they have nowhere but Bauchi as their safe haven. I am also honoured to stand before you today to remind us that we are not of the stock that reek of failed promises and phantom campaign pledges just to delude you and rubbish your votes. We are, instead, of the stock that lives what we stand for and you know us inside-out. I and you are one and the same. We are real and, indeed, realistically practical, down to earth and sincere. We will, therefore, make no mistake in convincing you that if we win then Mecca is here! No! For we jolly well know that it is far-far away. Aiki ne jajazur a gabammu! And, that aiki is not in the struggle and campaigns for victory.... no! The real job is to start the moment we succeed in winning the elections before us. The rot and mess and the ashes put in our system of governance is so much and so bad that we will all be stained with dirt and mud the minute we step in to start cleaning up.
Finally and In conclusion ladies and gentlemen, I, ENGR. NUHU GIDADO, unequivocally reiterate that, am very much in the contest in seeking the Governorship of our great state in 2015 under the platform of Nigeria’s vessel of economic, social and political emancipation; the ALL PROGRESSIVES CONGRESS (APC). So help me Allah.
Nuhu Gidado Organization (NGO
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